Our Promise:
100% of your donation supports the World Institute for Extreme Beauty.
The Vision 200 Campaign is working to attain numerous goals for the years 2020 and 2036, and all of them aim at setting the Walker House grounds, the Walker House itself, and the World Institute for Extreme Beauty on firm footings financially. The world needs the beauty of the Walker House grounds as well as the Walker House, and the innovative and helpful programs of the Institute for hundreds of years to come. It’s a vision worth supporting, and you can do it at any level you wish. You can make a donation, name a room at the Walker House, or endow the position of the person who heads the Institute and the Walker House.
An Invitation
Are you thinking of making a donation? Why don’t you consider living and working with us at the Walker House for a few days? It’s the only way to experience how we nurture the genius in people and help them give birth to extreme beauty.
Donations and Premiums
Receive as a thank you gift the beautiful Walker House bookmark.
Receive as thank you gifts the beautiful Walker House bookmark plus the Jennifer Sharp 5”x7” card (with envelope) “Christmas at the Walker House.”
Receive as thank you gifts the beautiful Walker House bookmark, Jennifer Sharp’s “Christmas at the Walker House” card (with envelope), plus an 8”x10” color print of Paul Jentz’s nouveau art drawing of the Walker House.
Receive as thank you gifts the beautiful Walker House bookmark, Jennifer Sharp’s “Christmas at the Walker House” card (with envelope), plus an 8”x10” black and white print of Jenny Obrzydowski’s watercolor drawing of the Walker House.
Receive as thank you gifts the beautiful Walker House bookmark, Jennifer Sharp’s “Christmas at the Walker House” card (with envelope), plus an 8”x20” Randy Larson panoramic color print.
Receive as thank you gifts the beautiful Walker House bookmark, Jennifer Sharp’s “Christmas at the Walker House” card (with envelope), and a 16”x20” Randy Larson color print.
$500 or more
Receive as thank you gifts the beautiful Walker House bookmark, Jennifer Sharp’s “Christmas at the Walker House” card (with envelope), plus a free night’s stay at the Walker House, a one hour guided tour of the Walker House, a one hour private lecture on the art in the Main Gallery by the artist himself, and two home-cooked meals with the owners of the Walker House.
Receive as thank you gifts the beautiful Walker House bookmark, Jennifer Sharp’s “Christmas at the Walker House” card (with envelope), plus two free nights at the Walker House, a one hour guided tour of the Walker House, a one hour private lecture on the art in the Main Gallery by the artist himself, and four home-cooked meals with the owners of the Walker House.
Naming Rights
Are you interested in honoring in perpetuity someone dear to you? You can name one of the art galleries or rooms after the person you love, and the space will be known thereafter by the name you designate. A beautiful handcrafted plaque naming the space will be placed at the room’s entrance, a history (with pictures of the honoree) will be written by writers at the Walker House and kept in a place of honor in the room, and all publicity related to the room will include the name of the honoree. This is a unique opportunity to keep the presence of the person you love alive and to make him or her known to guests of the Walker House before they travel home to all parts of the world. In this way, your loved one becomes part, with the Walker House, of living history.
Please email Dan if you want to discuss the naming of a space in the Walker House.
Endowed CEO Position
Are you interested in naming and endowing the position of Chief Executive Officer, the person who leads the Institute and heads the Walker House? The Institute must compete with well capitalized corporate organizations for its CEO. By endowing the CEO position, you will guarantee that the Institute will compete on a level playing field for the best and brightest leader available. Your generous gift will have the most significant impact on the growth and reputation of the Institute and the Walker House.
Please email Dan if you wish to discuss the opportunity to endow the CEO position.