Get Real!
Wedding Ceremonies/Receptions
Please check “Average Wedding Costs in Wisconsin” at The average wedding/reception/honeymoon costs $32,081-$57,547 with 47 items listed and priced, from the engagement rings and wedding attire to the photographer, cake knife set, and honeymoon. Other wedding sites list prices per chair, per fork, and per latex glove for the cake cutter. Weddings and receptions have become big businesses, big productions, big headaches, and totally unreal. If this is your idea of a special day and the ideal way to begin a life of deep love, trusting fidelity, and sacred commitment to your spouse, then the Walker House cannot help you.
At the Walker House, we stay real by always remembering that a wedding, reception, and honeymoon should nurture love, provide the occasion for celebration of friends and family, and bond friends and family into a community of support for the bride and groom. Your special day should root you into this supportive community, not prop the community as a backdrop for a major production disconnected from real life. If you envision your special day, not as a Disney production, but as the real beginning of a new life for yourself, your spouse, your family and friends, please talk to us. We make weddings transformative experiences.
At the Walker House, we can take care of every facet of your engagement, wedding, reception, and honeymoon. Complete packages start at $10,000. Contact us to begin a conversation.