Explore Another Time, Another Place, Another You
Reservations: Reserve your space by phone (608.553.0728) or email.
At the Walker House, we employ Well-Being the way the Greek philosopher Aristotle (c. 384 BCE-322 BCE) might have used it almost 2,500 years ago. Aristotle frequently utilized in his works the Greek word eudaimonia, which scholars have traditionally translated as happiness or more recently well-being. But Aristotle probably meant by eudaimonia something closer to human flourishing. At the Walker House, we devise the programs of our Well-Being Weekends, Retreats, and Camps to accomplish two goals:
· To help free guests from all shackles and limitations;
· To help guests flourish in body, mind, and spirit.
Everything You Need to Know About The Walker House Well-Being Programs
6/24/2015 – Well-Being Toolbox, One-Day Program, $95
6/27/2015 – Forgiveness, One-Day Program, $95